Leadership that works.

Kristine is  working to build a Pennsylvania
where our children are safe, healthy and well
educated; our environment is clean, protected
and sustainable and our economy is fair,
growing and accessible to all.


Leadership that works.

Kristine is  working to build a Pennsylvania
where our children are safe, healthy and well
educated; our environment is clean, protected
and sustainable and our economy is fair,
growing and accessible to all.

Leadership that works.

Kristine is  working to build a Pennsylvania where our children are safe, healthy and well educated; our environment is clean, protected and sustainable and our economy is fair, growing and accessible to all.

Sierra Club endorses Kristine in 2022 Reelection bid

“I am pleased to inform you that the Pennsylvania Sierra Club has endorsed your candidacy for State Representative (167th District) in recognition of your demonstrated commitment to protecting the environment.”

Dave Hemberger

PA Sierra Club

Chapter Political Chair

Kristine Earns the Endorsement of Conservation Voters PA

  • Worked with Governor Wolf to put teeth in laws increasing pipeline safety and accountability.
  • Sponsored legislation requiring electric vehicle charging stations in new developments.
  • Backs taxing fracking making it less profitable and clean energy alternatives more competitive.

Committed to Protecting our Environment.

Based on her voting record, Kristine has been named one of the highest rated Pennsylvania State Representatives by Clean Water Action, PennEnvironment, and Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future and has won the endorsement of Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania.

Continuing to Fight for Opioid Disaster Relief

Just last year Chester County lost 150 lives, proving that Chester County is not immune. As an active member of the Human Services Committee, Kristine has voted on multiple occasions to provide greater access to effective treatment options, and create opportunities for individuals in recovery to rebuild their lives.

Working Toward Equal Access to Affordable Healthcare

We cannot continue to rely on crowd funding as a solution to surging healthcare premiums and the rising costs of necessary surgeries, prescriptions and medical treatments. Kristine is committed to working diligently and across party lines to negotiate with insurance lobbyists and big pharma to create affordable healthcare options and reduce the cost of prescription medication.

Meet Kristine

Throughout her 25-year career, Kristine Howard worked on child welfare issues culminating serving as a child abuse investigator for Chester County Children & Youth Services for nearly three years before being elected. In that capacity she gained an inside perspective on the impact government systems have on Chester County children and their families. Kristine also worked for the Support Center for Child Advocates where she represented children in foster care in the justice system.

Meet Kristine

Throughout her 25-year career, Kristine Howard worked on child welfare issues culminating serving as a child abuse investigator for Chester County Children & Youth Services for nearly three years before being elected. In that capacity she gained an inside perspective on the impact government systems have on Chester County children and their families. Kristine also worked for the Support Center for Child Advocates where she represented children in foster care in the justice system.

Our Priorities

Access to Affordable Healthcare & Prescription Medication

Over the past two years, Kristine supported Governor Wolf’s decision to expand Medicaid, a plan that helped deliver services to over 70,000 Pennsylvanians, but millions of Americans are still only one diagnosis away from homelessness due to our nation’s healthcare crisis. We cannot continue to rely on crowdfunding as a solution to surging healthcare premiums and the rising costs of necessary surgeries, prescriptions, and medical treatments. Kristine is committed to working diligently and across party lines to negotiate with insurance lobbyists and big pharma to create affordable healthcare options and reduce the cost of prescription medication.

Women’s Reproductive Rights & Equal Access to Healthcare

While at the University of Pennsylvania, Kristine was a student of Kathryn Kolbert’s — the attorney who later successfully argued Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Like many women, Kristine believed that this decision established a woman’s right to choose as a fundamental and immovable right. It has been 28 years since Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 47 years since Roe v. Wade, and yet again she finds herself on the front lines of an ogoing battle to protect a woman’s right to choose. When two bills introduced by anti-abortion extremists came to a vote in the legislature, Kristine aggressively opposed them and championed the principles of Roe v. Wade and is dedicated to protecting a woman’s access to affordable reproductive healthcare here in Pennsylvania.

Further Access to Opiod Disaster Relief

Kristine understands that the hardships of physical sickness, mental illness and drug addiction do not discriminate. Just last year Chester County lost 150 lives, proving that Chester County is not immune. In Harrisburg, Kristine actively serves on the Human Services Committee and has voted on multiple occasions to provide greater access to effective treatment options and create opportunities for individuals in recovery to rebuild their lives.

Protecting the Environment & Our Natural Resources

Based on her voting history, Kristine has been named one of the highest-rated Pennsylvania State Representatives by Clean Water Action, PennEnvironment, and Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future and has won the endorsement of Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania. As a mother and grandmother, Kristine knows just how important it is to protect our natural resources for future generations. In addition, she is committed to a green energy future that does not rely on carbon-based energy sources and the pipelines needed to transport oil and gas to distant market. She believes we need to get to that future in a safe and sustainable manner that includes a just transition for workers. Until we get to that future, she strongly supports taxing fracking and making the cost of oil and gas products more reflective of the health and environmental costs related to the extraction, transportation, and manufacturing of petrochemicals.

Access to Affordable Higher Education

Faced with the task of preparing her college-bound children for financial stability, Kristine has a deep understanding of the challenges families face finding appropriate affordable higher education for their children. At the height of the recession in 2016, the average student loan debt for college graduates in Pennsylvania was the second-highest state in the nation. Affordable higher education is the key to not only creating a clear pathway for the next generation of Pennsylvanians to achieve financial stability, it is also necessary to maintain our economic prosperity. That is why Kristine supports making Pennsylvania’s community colleges and PASHE state universities tuition-free for Pennsylvania families who need help securing higher education for their children. She also backs Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s mission to protect Pennsylvania students from predatory lenders and will work to create access to affordable funding options.

Keeping Students Safe & Funding Our Nation's Future

Kristine joins many of her constituents in believing an investment in public education is an investment in the future of our economy. Many who live in our community have seen the benefit of property values maintained by the quality of our schools here in Chester County. Kristine is committed to ensuring Chester County students are afforded every opportunity to receive the highest level of education possible and the state lives up to its constitutional duty to fully fund a public education system that works for everyone.

Red Flag Laws & Keeping Our Communities Safe

41 mass shootings took place in the U.S. in 2019, and in October of last year 11 Pennsylvanians lost their lives in the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting. Still, gun rights legislation continues to be brushed aside. Kristine is actively working to bring red flag law legislation to a vote. This legislation includes laws that allow authorities to take precautions with individuals whose family members claim they are dangerous or suicidal. Additionally, Kristine has proposed three new common sense gun reform laws including making it a crime to possess a firearm while intoxicated, creating a statewide assault weapons buy-back program and implementing penalties for anyone who ignores a private or commercial property owner’s ban on possessing fire arms on their property.

Creating Transparency & Putting Community First

During Kristine’s campaign in 2018 she vowed to treat her state representative position as a service to her community and vowed to create more transparency. Since her election, Kristine has never missed a session day in Harrisburg. In the district, she has tackled more than 1400 constituent service inquiries and requests. She has held 7 town halls, 3 open houses and organized 5 sessions to effectively inform constituents about Real ID, APPRISE, Victoria’s Law & SEPTA Senior Key Cards. Kristine also instituted monthly email updates to bring awareness to the day-to-day battles being waged in Harrisburg and staffed weekly satellite office hours in local libraries because she understands that this job is 24/7 and her constituents come first.

Our Priorities

Access to Affordable Healthcare & Prescription Medication

Over the past two years, Kristine supported Governor Wolf’s decision to expand Medicaid, a plan that helped deliver services to over 70,000 Pennsylvanians, but millions of Americans are still only one diagnosis away from homelessness due to our nation’s healthcare crisis. We cannot continue to rely on crowdfunding as a solution to surging healthcare premiums and the rising costs of necessary surgeries, prescriptions, and medical treatments. Kristine is committed to working diligently and across party lines to negotiate with insurance lobbyists and big pharma to create affordable healthcare options and reduce the cost of prescription medication.

Women’s Reproductive Rights & Equal Access to Healthcare

While at the University of Pennsylvania, Kristine was a student of Kathryn Kolbert’s — the attorney who later successfully argued Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Like many women Kristine believed that this decision established a woman’s right to choose as a fundamental and immovable right. It has been 28 years since Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 47 years since Roe v. Wade, and yet again she finds herself on the front lines of an ogoing battle to protect a woman’s right to choose. when two bills introduced by anti-abortion extremists came to a vote in the legislature, Kristine firmly upholds the principles of Roe v. Wade and is dedicated to protecting a woman’s access to affordable reproductive healthcare here in Pennsylvania.

Further Access to Opiod Disaster Relief

Kristine understands that the hardships of physical sickness, mental illness and drug addiction do not discriminate. Just last year Chester County lost 150 lives, proving that Chester County is not immune. In Harrisburg, Kristine actively serves on the Human Services Committee, and has voted on multiple occasions to provide greater access to effective treatment options, and create opportunities for individuals in recovery to rebuild their lives.

Protecting the Environment & Our Natural Resources

Based on her voting history, Kristine has been named one of the highest rated Pennsylvania State Representatives by Clean Water Action, PennEnvironment, and Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future and has won the endorsement of Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania. As a mother of 7 children and 2 grand-children, Kristine knows just how important it is to protect our natural resources for future generations. In addition, she is committed to demanding that our government has both the knowledge and resources to ensure any proposed extraction of Pennsylvania’s natural resources is 100% safe, thoroughly and regularly tested and has the capacity to ensure all safety requirements are strictly enforced.

Access to Affordable Higher Education

Faced with the task of preparing 7 college bound children for financial stability Kristine has a deep understanding of the challenges families face finding appropriate affordable higher education for their children. At the height of the recession in 2016, the average student loan debt for college graduates in Pennsylvania was the second highest state in the nation. Affordable higher education is the key to not only creating a clear pathway for the next generation of Pennsylvanians to achieve financial stability, it is also necessary to maintain our economic prosperity. Kristine fully supports Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s mission to protect Pennsylvania students from predatory lenders and will work to create access to affordable funding options.

Keeping Students Safe & Funding Our Nation's Future

Kristine joins many of her constituents in believing an investment in public education is an investment in the future of our economy. Many who live in our community have seen the benefit of property values maintained by the quality of our schools here in Chester County. Kristine is committed to ensuring Chester County students are afforded every opportunity to receive the highest level of education possible and Chester County schools receive their fair share of available state resources. Together we will continue to set the bar for excellence in public education.

Red Flag Laws & Keeping Our Communities Safe

41 mass shootings took place in the U.S. in 2019, and in October of last year 11 Pennsylvanians lost their lives in the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting. Still, gun rights legislation continues to be brushed aside. Kristine is actively working to bring red flag law legislation to a vote. This legislation includes laws that allow authorities to take precautions with individuals whose family members claim they are dangerous or suicidal. Additionally, Kristine has proposed three new common sense gun reform laws including making it a crime to possess a firearm while intoxicated, creating a statewide assault weapons buy-back program and implementing penalties for anyone who ignores a private or commercial property owner’s ban on possessing fire arms on their property.

Creating Transparency & Putting Community First

During Kristine’s campaign in 2018 she vowed to treat her state representative position as a service to her community, and vowed to create more transparency. Since her election Kristine has never missed a session day in Harrisburg. In the district, she has tackled more than 1400 constituent service inquiries and requests. She has held seveal town halls, three open houses and organized 5 sessions to effectively inform constituents about Real ID, APPRISE, Victoria’s Law & SEPTA Senior Key Cards. Kristine also instituted monthly email updates to bring awareness to the day-to-day battles being waged in Harrisburg, and staffed weekly satellite office hours in local libraries because she understands that this job is 24/7 and her constituents come first.

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